Please read the verses carefully before answering the questions.
A. 2 Timothy 2:15 & 16 & Acts 17:11
1.Is studying the Bible part of being approved by God?
2. Should we learn how to be skillful workers for God?
3. If we study with the right attitude, can we correctly understand the Bible?
4. If we do things not found in the Bible, are they Godly?
- 1.Should we be able to give an answer for our hope in Christ?
2. Should we be able to show from the Bible why we believe as we do?
3. Is this apart of sanctifying God?
1. How does God want His people to worship Him?
2. Can either one be left out, and still worship God properly?
3. Can we worship God any way we want?
4. Where do we find out how Gods wants to be worshipped?
1. What do these judgments of God have in common?
2. Why were they killed by God?
3. What did David do when he learned of his mistake?
4. What are we to learn from their mistakes?
1. Does God any longer allow ignorance of His Word as an excuse?
2. If we don't study God's Word to learn His directions for worship and our lives, will He allow ignorance as an excuse on judgment day?
3. Did God show His love for us by sending His only Son to suffer and die for us, so that we might believe in Him --- and be saved?
4. Will we be "approved" by God if we diligently study His Word and obey it [1 Timothy 2:15-16]?
1. Is zeal alone enough to save?
2. If we don't have knowledge of Gods righteousness, are we rebelling against God?
3. Is knowledge necessary for salvation?
1. Can physical man understand spiritual things without the aid of the Bible?
2. Are we to be amazed over or question spiritual commands?
A. Matthew 28:18
1. Who has all power in heaven and earth?
2. Does he have the power to tell us what to do?
3. Does any man have the right to give spiritual commands?
1. Who inspired the writing of the Bible?
2. What is to be our source of doctrine?
3. What is to instruct us in righteousness?
4. Do we need anything but the Bible to know God's will?
1. What will judge us in the final day?
2. If we don't receive the Bible, are we rejecting Christ?
1. Did Jesus come so that you could have a full abundant life now, as well as eternity?
2. Can that be done any other way than what Jesus says?
3. Where do you find Jesus' Words?
1. What causes our faith to become stronger?
2. What do we need to hear in order to mature spiritually?
3. Should we consider the Bible important in living a Christian life?
1. Is it possible to be removed from the grace of God?
2. What makes it a different gospel?
3. Does a man, an Apostle, or even an Angel have the power to change the gospel of Christ?
4. If we do things to please men, are we servants of Christ?
1. Are any of our efforts any good, if we don't follow the Bible?
2. Has God given us everything we need for life and godliness?
3. Do we need anything other than the Bible to know God's will?
4. Should we look upon the Bible as our only inspired source of knowledge?
1. Is the scripture open to private interpretation?
2. Did man choose to write scripture or was it directed by the Holy Ghost?
3. What is more important, how I interpret a scripture or what God meant in the verse?
I. 1 Corinthians 2:12-13
1. Did the writers of the New Testament receive things from the world or from God?
2. Who chose the words used in the New Testament?
3. Who was the real author of the books of the New Testaments?
2 John verse 9; Revelations 22:18-19
1. Are we to add or take away from the words of God's Word, the Bible?
2. What will happen to those who do so?
3. If we are doing things not authorized by God's Word are we not adding to His word?
4. If we do less than God's Word tells us to do --- are we taking away from His Word?
1. Which is more important, the Bible or what men may think?
2. Considering all these verse, how are we to view the Bible?
A. Philippians 4:9
1. What are we to do with what we learn?
2. Will God be with us if we do what the Bible says?
1. If we don't do what the Bible says, do we sin?
2. Is God pleased with those who are not doers?
1. What is a doer of the work?
2. Will the doers of the work be blessed by God?
1. Will paying lip service to Christ save us?
2. What must we do to enter the Kingdom of Heaven?
1. What makes us disciples of Christ?
2. Can we know the truth without doing the will of God?
1. Do we love God if we don't keep his commandments?
1. Can we serve God without doing his will?
2. If we do what we please, do we love God?
1. How long must we obey the will of God?
2. Will we receive a reward if we don't serve God until death?
1. Studying the Bible is necessary, if we want God to approve of the things we do.
2. If we study truely seeking to see what the Bible says, we can correctly understand the Bible.
3. Only things found in the Bible have anything to do with Godliness.
4. Studying the Bible is part of sanctifying God.
5. We need to be able to show from the Bible why we believe the way we do.
6. We need to understand the things we do in order to be saved.
7. Enthusiasm for God by itself will not bring salvation.
8. Jesus came so that we could have a full and abundant life now and in eternity.
9. We can only have that life through following Jesus Christ's Word.
10. If we do not study God's Word, we are rebelling against God.
11. The physical mind cannot understand spiritual things without the aid of the Bible.
12. We are not to question God's authority to give spiritual commands.
2. Jesus then has the authority to tell us what to do.
3. No human being has any authority to give spiritual commands.
4. God inspired the writing of the Bible.
5. When we read the Bible, it is the same as God talking to us in person.
6. The Bible is to be our source of doctrine/teachings.
7. We do not need anything other than the Bible to live a Christian life.
8. The Word of God will judge us on the final day.
9. We are not to add nor take away from the Word of God in teachings or by our actions.
10. When we do not submit to the Bible, we are rejecting Jesus Himself.
11. Studying the Word of God is what causes our faith to increase.
12. Studying the Bible is essential for a Christian to mature spiritually.
13. If we change the Gospel of Jesus Christ, we are accursed.
14. No Angel, Apostle, or man has the power to change the meaning of the Bible.
15. If we try to please men, we are not servants of Christ.
16. None of our efforts will do any good, if we do not follow the Bible.
17. We do not need anything other than the Bible to live a Christian life.
2. God will be with us if we do what the Bible says.
3. If we do not apply the things we learn to our lives, we sin.
4. God is not pleased with us if we are not doers of the work.
5. One must be a doer of the work in order to be blessed by God.
6. Simply claiming to follow Jesus and love the Lord will not bring salvation.
7. One must obey God in order to go to heaven.
8. One must continue in the Word in order to be a disciple of Christ.
9. You cannot separate loving God from obedience to His will.
10. We love God, because we understand of His Giving His only Son as a sacrafice for our sins!
11. If we refuse to submit to God, we do not love Him.
12. We must obey God until death in order to receive a crown of life.
Please contact me, Dennis Crawford, at, or 253-396-0290 (cell) for comments or further Bible information, or for the location of a congregation belonging to Jesus Christ near you.
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