- 1) “Moses' time was prior to all knowledge of writing” ??? --- The Ebla tablets are
1,000 years before Moses, and records laws, customs, and events in writing!!!
2) "Various uses of the name for God indicated more than one author" ??? ---- At Ebla, a
Canninish test was discovered, dated at the same time Moses lived, that used five different names for God ... in a
single narrative!!!
3) "The 'Five Cities of the Plains' (Genesis 14) did not exist, and the kings and
events listed were fictitious and historically unreliable"??? --- The Ebla archives refer to all 'Five Cities of
the Plains' on one tablet ... in the exact same sequence and spelling as in Genesis 14; these kings
were made to pay tribute to Ebla !!!
4) "The Priestly Code and moral legislation recorded by Moses were far too developed to have been
written by him."??? --- At Ebla, tablets containing law codes were discovered; demonstrating that other
civilizations at the time of Moses possessed elaborate judicial proceeding and case law!!!
1) Amarna Letters/ 1350 B.C./ Tell el-Amarna, Egypt/ British Museum, London, England/ Letters from Palestinian kings requesting aid from Egyptian Akhenaten; possibly Joshua's conquests/ Numbers 13:1-33; Isaiah 19:18/ 12, 33 2) Annals of Tiglath Pileser/ 745-727 B.C./ Nimrun, N. Iraq / British Museum, London, England/ Records tribute from Jerusalem, kings: Ahab, Menuhem, Pekah, Rezon, Shulmaneser V, Hiram, Hosiah, Ahaziah [Uzziah]/ 1 Chronicles 5:6, 26; 2 Chronicles 26:1, 6-23; 28:20-21; 1 Kings 5:1ff; 11:23; 2 Kings 15:19, 29-31; 16:5-20/ 12, 25, 27 3) Ashurbanipal Prism/ 668-627 B.C. / Palace at Nineveh, Iraq/ British Museum, London, England/ Fall of Nineveh as predicted by Bible Prophets/ Zephaniah 2:13-15; Nahum esp. 1:1; 2:13; 3:7; Ezra 4:10/ 12 4) Babylonian Chronicles/ 747-247 B.C./ Babylon, southern Iraq/British Museum, London, England/ Records Nebuchadnezzar's siege of Jerusalem in 587 B.C. / 2 Kings 24:10-17; 25:1; Jeremiah 21:2,7; 22:25; 24:1-10; 25:1, 9; 29:21:32:1, 28; 35:11; 37:1; 391; 43:10-13; 44:30; 46:2,13, 25-26; 49:28-33; 50:17; 51:1, 34; & ch. 52; Ezekiel 26:3-7; 29:18-20; 30:10-26; Danial 4/12, 33 5) Balaam Inscription/ 840-760 BC/ Deir Alla, Jordan/ Museum of Amman, Jordan / Inscription about a prophet names Balaam/ Numbers ch. 22-24; 2 Chronicles 24:7; 28:2; 33:3/ 23 6) Beit Lehi/ 600 B.C. / Cave at Beit Lehi, Israel, 22 miles south of Jerusalem/ Beit Lehi, Israel/ Oldest known Hebrew writings. Mentions Jerusalem & YHWH, and a well spring still at that location/ Judges 15:19/6,2/ 2, 6, 27/ n/a 7) Beni Hassan/ 2000 B.C./ Beni Hassan/ Tombs in Middle Egypt, 20 miles south of Minya in Middle Egypt/ Painting of Semites in Egypt/ Genesis Ch. 37-50; Exodus ch. 1-14/ 27/ n/a 8) Boghaz-Koy Tablets/ 1600 B.C./ Boghaz-Koy, Turkey/ Archaeological Museum, Istanbul, Turkey/ / Royal archives of the Hittite Empire showing the Hittite culture/ Genesis 15:20; 23:10-20; 25:7-10; 49:29-32; 50:1-13; Exodus 3:7-8, 17; 23:28-31; Deuteronomy 7:1-3; Joshua 9:1-2; 11:1-23; 12:7-8; 2 Samuel 11:3-27; 12:1-14; Judges 1:23-26; 2:20- 3:6; 1 Kings 9:20-21; 10:28-29; 11:1-3; Ezra 9:1-2; 10:3-4/ 22. 9) Caiaphas Ossuary/ 50 AD/ South Jerusalem/ Israel Museum, Jerusalem/ [an ancient casket] dated to the second temple period inscribed “Joseph the son of Caiaphas,” the high priest at Jesus' trial/Matthew 26:57-67/ 12, 33 10) Chaldean Chronicles / 626-556 B.C./ Babylon/ British Museum, London, England/ Court records of Neo-Babylonian Empire of Nebuchsdrezzar II that records the capture of Zedekiah king of Judah and Jerusalem (597 B.C.)and history of period/ Jeremiah 39:1-8; Daniel 1:1-2/ 12 11) Code of Hammurabi/ 1755 B.C./ Babylon/Louvre' Paris, France/ Babylonian Laws Parallels to Moses Law/ Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus/ 16, 33. 12) Code of Ur-Nammu/ 2100-2050 B.C./ Summeria/ University of Pennsylvia Museum/Parallels to Moses Law & “Ur of Chaldees” of Abraham/ Genesis-Exodus-Leviticus/ 20, 33. 13) Cylinder of Nabonidus / 555-540 B.C./ Ur in Harran, Babylon, Temple of Shamash at Sippar/ Pergamon Museum, Berlin, Germany/ Confirms Belshazzar's existence/ Daniel 5:1-30; 7:1; 8:1/ 32. 14) Cyrus Cylinder/ 730 BC/ Babylon, Iraq/ British Museum, London, England/ Persian cuniform cylinder originally buried in foudation wall confirms fall of Babylon to the Medes & Persians; freeing of the captive Israelites / Isaiah 44:28; 45:13; 2 Chronicles 36:22-23; Ezra 1:1-4; 6:3-4; Daniel 1:21; 6:28; 10:1/ 9, 12 15) Dead Sea Scrolls/ 408-100 BCE/ Qumran, Dead Sea, Jerusalem/ Israel Museum, Jerusalem/ Complete Scrolls of the book of Isaiah, and partials of all other Old Testament books, except for Ester/ 12. 16) Ebla Tablets/ 2500 BC / Syria, Damascus, Turkey/ British Museum, London, England ?/a library containing thousands of Clay tablets with writing from 800 years before Moses -mention Canaan & “tehom” a word thought not used / Genesis 1:2/ 12 17) Ekron Dedicatory Inscription/ 7 th C.B.C./ Phillistine city of Ekron, 35 km West of Jerusalem/ Israel Museum, Jerusalem/ King list naming Ekron, Achish a Phillistine ruler of Gath; where the Philistines returned cursed with the Ark of the Covenant to Israel/ Joshua 13:3; 15:11, 45-46; 19:43; 1 Samuel 5:10-6:16/ 15 18) Elephatine Papyri/ 5 th CBC/ Philistine city, Jewish island community in the Nile river, bordering Nubia / Brooklyn Museum, NY & Egyptian Museum at Berlin, Germany/ Names three persons mentioned in Nehemiah: Darius II, Sanballat the Horonite, and Jehonanan the high priest/ Nehemiah 4:7; 12:13, 22/ 10. 19) Enuma Elish/ 700 B.C./ Ninevah, (Library at Ashurbanipal)/ British Museum, London, England/ Parallels of Genesis account/ Genesis 6, 7, & 8/ 12 20) Epic of Atrahasis/ 1800 B.C./ Akkadian / British Museum, London, England/ Parrallels of Great flood / Genesis Ch. 6, 7, 8/ 12 21)Esarhaddon Prism-Annals/ 681 BC/ Konyunjik Niniveh, Northern Iraq/ British Museum, London, England/ Assassination of Sennacherib by his own sons/ 2 Kings 19:37; Isaiah 37:38 / 12 22) Gezer Calendar/ 925 B.C./ Tel Gezer a Canaanite city NW of Jerusalem/ Syria/Palestine Collection, Archaeological Museum, Istanbul, Turkey/ School boy's lesson in Archaic Hebrew or Phoenician tablet; farming calender has “Abi-yah” “yah” as the scribes name, which is Hebrew name for God, “Aba” is my Father/ Amos 8:17; Exodus 9:31-2/ 22. 23) Gilgamesh Epic/ 700 B.C. Ninevah, (Library at Ashurbanipal)/ Archaeological Museum, Istanbul, Turkey/ Parallels of Noah & flood account/ Genesis 6, 7, & 8/ 22 24) Hezekiah's Water Conduit/ 701 BC/ Jerusalem, Israel/ Jerusalem, Israel/ See Siloam Inscription / 2 Kings 18:1-19, 37: 20:20; 2 Chronicles 32:1-30 / 15 25) Ipuwer Papyrus / 13th CBC/ Egypt/ National Archaeological Museum in Leiden, Netherlands/ Describes Egypt as afflicted by disasters, and in a state of chaos; mentions “river of blood.”/ Exodus 7:17-20 / 26) Jehoiachin's Ration Tablets/ 595-570 B.C. /Ishlar Gate, Babylon/ Pergamon Museum, Berlin, Germany/ Royal achives of Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon describes rations for the royal captives and family of Jehoiachin, king of Judah / 2 Kings 24:12-17; 2 Chronicles 36:9-10; Jeremiah 52:31-34/ 32 27) Jesus Christ/ 32-100 AD/ Israel/ Bookstores & online/ Josephus, an ancient Jewish historian, and contemporary of Christ, describes Him in Antiquities 20:200; Suetonius; Thallus; Pliny the Younger; the Talmud; & Luvian/ The Gospels: Matthew Mark, Luke & John / 2 28) John Ryland's Papyrus/ AD 25/ / John Rylands University Library, Manchester, UK/ Records part of the trial [of Jesus] before Pilate/ John 18:31-33, 37-38/ 24 29) Kanesh Cuniform Tablets/ around 1850 BC / From Kültepe, modern Turkey / British Museum, London, England/ written in the Old Assyrian Hittite dialect of Akkadian. Abraham bought a burial site from Ephron the Hiyyite / Genesis 23:3-20;1 Kings 7:6; 2 Chronicles 1:17/ 12 30) Ketef Hinnom Silver Amulet(s)/ 600 BC/ overlooking Hinnin Valley/ Archaeology Wing of Israel Museum, Jerusalem/ 2 silver scrolls found at the tomb that predate the Dead Sea Scrolls by 500 years, and mention YHWH, the Hebrew name of God, Jehova/ Numbers 6:24-26; Deuteronomy 7:9/ 12 31) King David's Palace/ 10 th CBC/ Achziv on Northern Coast of Israel/ Achziv on Northern Coast of Israel/ discovery of location of King David's Palace/ 2 Samual 5:6-10, 17/ n/a 32) Kurkh Monolith/ 859-824 BC / Assyrian, Diyarbakir, Turkey/ British Museum, London, England/ Shalmaneser III relief names king Ahab of Israel, Hosea, Hezekiah, Hadadezer of Damacus/ 2 Sanuel 8:3-12; 1 Kings 11:23; 2 Kings 17:3; 18:9/ 22 33) Lachish Letters/ 588 B.C./ Tel ed-Duelt/ British Museum, London, England/ 21 letters from a captain at Fort Lachish with language and Hebrew names; during Zedekiah's reign/ Nehemiah 12:32; Jeremiah 42:1; 43:2/ 12 34) Lachish Ostraca/ 589-587 B.C./ Lachish near Jerusalem / British Museum, London, England/ These small fragments of pottery with their messages, hidden for centuries, confirm the Bible record / Jeremiah 26:20-22; 34:6-7/ 12 35) Lachish Relief / 701 B.C./ Nineveh / Sennacherib’s palace walls at Ninevah, Northern Iraq / Battle of Lachish by Sennacherib/II Kings 18:14; II Chronicles 32/ n/a 36) Luwian Inscriptions / 717 BC / Jeradus, N. Syria/ British Museum, London, England/ Hittite Hierroglyphics / Genesis 23:3-20; 1 Kings 7:6; 2 Chronicles 1:17/ 12 37) Mari Archive / 1800 B.C./ Tell Hariri/ National Doir & Aleppo Museum, Damascus, Syria/ Confirms existence of Nahor and conditons during Patriarchal Age; mentions Laish/ Judges 18:7, 27-29; 2 Kings 18:13-16; 19:35-36; Isiah 36:1-2; 4:10; Matthew 12:41/ 6 38) Merneptah Stela/ 1209-1208 B.C./ Thebes Egypt/ Cairo Museum, Egypt/ Hieroglyph mentions name “Israel”/ Throughout the Bible/ 31 39) Mesad Hashavyahu Ostracon/ 630-609.B.C./ Ancient fort on the border of Judea, facing the Philistine city of Ashdad, near the Mediterranean Sea/ Israel Museum, Jerusalem/ Written in ancient Hebrew & contains the earliest extra-Biblical references to observance of the Sabbat [Hebrew Sabbath]/ Exodus 20:8-11; ff/ 15 40) Moabite Stone/Mesha Stela/ 846 B.C./ Dibon, Klein Jordan/ Lourve' Museum Paris, France/ Military victories of Moabite king Mesha, & revolt of against Israel; mentions Omri, Ahab paying tribute & “house of David”s/ 2 Kings 1:1; 3:4-27/ 16 41) Nebo-Sarsekim Tablet/ 587 BC / city of Sippar, Babylon, Iraq / British Museum, London, England/ “the chief enuch” of Nebuchadnezzar II, king of Babylon, corcerning Jeremiah the prophet's care / Jeremiah 39:11, 14 / 2, 24, 9/ 12 42) Nabopolasar Cylinder/Tablet/ 7 th C. B.C./ Assyrian, Nineveh, Baghdad, Iraq/ Carlos Museum, Atlanta, GA/ Fall of Nineveh as predicted by Bible Prophets/ Nahum esp. 1:1; 2:13; 3:7; Zephaniah 2:13-15/ 13 43) Necho II Basalt Cartouches/ 610 -595 BC/ Sidon, on Syria Turkey border/ Metropolitian Museum of Fine Arts, New York City, USA/ Pharoah Necho fought and killed king Josiah at Carchemish, and with Babylonian king Nebuchadrezzar/ 2 Kings 23:29, 31; Jeremiah 46:2, 13, 25-26; 2 Chronicles 35:20-24/ 37 44) Noah's Ark/ abt 4549 BC*/Dogubeyazit,15 km from village of Uzengili, Turkey/ Ararat National Park, Turkey/ The remains of the Ark of Noah?/ Genesis chs. 6, 7, 8 / n/a 45) Nuzi Tablets/ 1500 B.C./ Nuzi, Northern Iraq/ British Museum, London, England/ Akkadian dialect – historicity of customs: selling birthright, servants heirs, binding nature of deathbed will/ Genesis 25:34/ 12 46) Pilate Inscription/ 26-37 AD/ Ceasearea, Northern Israel, 70 km NW of Jerusalem/ Israel Museum, Jerusalem/ Plaque leading to the theater at Ceasearea Maritama with the name “Pontias Pilate the Perfect of Judea has dedicated to the people of Caesarea a temple in honor of Tiberius”” verifies that he was a person who lived at the time of Jesus/ Matthew 27:1-2; 11-26, 57- 66; Mark 15:1-15, 43-45; Luke 23:1-25, 50-52; John 10:29-19:22, 38/ 15 47) Raz Shamra Tablets/ 1500 B.C./ Palace complex at Ugarit, Northern Syria/ Institute for Antiquity & Christianity, Claremont Graduate University, Claremont, CA, USA/ Canaanite Religious Epic Poetry – Baal & Dagan worship; earliest use of the alphabet 1400 B.C./ Numbers 22:41; 1 Kings 22:53; 2 Kings 3:2; 10:18-28; 16:31-2:18; Jeremiah ff./ 38 48) Sargon II Stele/ 711 BC/ Palace walls, Khorsabad, Iraq/ British Museum, London, England/ Fall of Samaria & defeat of Ashdod by Sargon II, king of Assyria/ 2 Kings 17:3-6, 24; 18:9-11; Isaiah 20:1/ 12 49) Seal of Darius/ 522-486 B.C./ Tomb near Thebes, Egypt/ British Museum, London, England/ Persian Cuniform Seal of ancient King Daius of Persia mentioned in the Bible/ Ezra 4:5, 24; 5:5- 6:15; 6:128; 9:1; 11:1; Daniel 5:31; 6:1-28; Hagai 1:1, 15; Nehemiah 12:22; Zechariah 1:1, 7; 7:1; / 12 50) Seal of Jehucal/ 9 th C.B.C. / Northren Jerusalem/ British Museum, London, England/ Seals of the captors of Jeremiah, during the reign of Zedekiah, king of Judah / Jeremiah 37:3, 38:1 / 12 51) Seal of King Ahaz/ 732-716 B.C. / / Private collection of Shlome Moussaieff, CA, USA / Seal of King Ahaz of Judah/ 2 Kings 16; 2 Chronicles 28:1/ n/a 52) Shishak [Sheshonk?] Relief/Bubastis Portal/945-924 B.C/ Kamak Temple, Bubastis, Easter Nile, Egypt/ Brooklyn Museum, N.Y./ Probably the last Pharoah to add to the construction of the temple complex of Amun , as it was not completed. The Bubastis portal is a series of inscriptions of Shishak's invasion of Israel & Judah, and a Stela fragment found at Megiddo bears his name/ 1 Kings 11:40; 14:25-26; 2 Chronicles 12:1-12 / 8, 10, 11 53) Siloam Inscription/ 701 B.C./ Jerusalem/ Archeology Museum, Istanbul, Turkey/ Records construction of king Hezekiah of Judah water conduit against invading army of Assyrian Sennacherib (also #24 above & front cover)/ 2 Kings 19:32-36; 20:20; 2 Chronicles 32:2-4, 30; & John 9:1-12/ 5, 8, 22 54) Tang-i Var Relief/ 722BC/ Palace walls at Tag-i, Dur Sharrrukin, Khorsabad, Iraq/ Dur Sharrrukin, Khorsabad, Iraq/ 2 Kings 17:3-6, 24; 18:9-11/ n/a 55) Taylor Cylinder/Prism/ 689 B.C./ Mound at Kuyunjik, Mousal, Iraq / Oreintal Institute, Chicago, Illinos, USA/ Describes King Sennacherib's attack of Judah's King Hezekiah at Jerusalem in 701 B.C./ 2 Kings18:13-19:37; Isaiah 33 & 36:1-37; 38 2 Chronicles 32:9/ 28 56) Tel Dan Stele/Inscription/ 870 BC/ N. Israel, Syria/ Israel Museum, Jerusalem/ Celebrates the victory of Assyrian King Aram over Israel. First reference outside the Bible of King David's Dynasty, “House of David”/ 2 Chronicles 10:19; 1 Kings 12:19: 26:13:2; 14:8 / 15 57) Tel es-safi Potsherd/ 10 th C.B.C. / / /Inscribed with “Alwt” and “wlt,” etymologically related to the name “Golliath,” found at the location traditionally identified with Garth, the city of Golliath/ 1 Samuel 17:4 / n/a 58) Tel at Rimah Stele/ 797 BC / Assyria, N. Iraq, near Sinjar/ Iraq Museum, Baghdad/ King Adad-Nirari III mentions Jehoash, king of Israel paying trubute / 2 Kings 13:10-25; 23:30-34; 2 Chronicles 36:2-4/ 37 59) Tiglath-Pileser I Prism/ 1114-1056 B.C., Assyria / Istanbul Archaeological Museum, Turkey/ recalls civil and military achievements including campaigns against the Muski and Kumuh, the conquest of Carchemish / /22 60) Tiglath-Pileser III Prism / 744-730 B.C./ Nimrad, Assyria / British Museum, London, England /Records tribute from Ahaz of Judea, Menahem of Samaria, Pekah & Hosea of Israel/ 2 Kings 15:19-20; 2 Chronicles 5:26 / 12
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